In the News

The Meisenthal Glass Museum, Meisenthal, France We are pleased to announce that a film highlighting Marvin’s time at Meisenthal will be on display at the Meisenthal Glass Museum. The museum had been closed for renovations, and this month will finally be open to the public again. The best news is that you do not need to travel to France to see the film! It is available on the Video page of this site. Marvin was in France in 1992 at the invitation of Jean-Pierre Umbdenstock. The final pieces were intimate in scale and thoughtful in coloration. To understand his process and influences, this film is a must. Congratulations to the Meisenthal Glass Museum! Photo ©Guy Rebmeister. More information here.

Craft in the Laboratory; The Science of Making Things: Mint Museum Uptown, Charlotte, NC
February 12, 2023 - 24. This is the first installation in the Southeast to explore how craft artists and designers use science and math concepts when creating works of art. Presented by Müller Corporation, Craft in the Laboratory also celebrates a reinstallation of the Mint’s Craft + Design Galleries—the first since 2010. The exhibition includes 100 works from the Mint’s collection that are made from precious metals, wood, steel, polymers, and even agricultural waste, which emphasize the preciseness of science used to craft works of art. On view is Marvin’s sculpture, Otaru Series 1987 # 8, created at the Glass Studio in Otaru, Japan, with help from Mitsunobu Sagawa. Photo courtesy of the Mint Museum. More information here.

Scandinavian Design & USA: Milwaukee Art Museum, Wisconsin March 24, 2023 - July 23, 2023. A fascinating exhibit exploring the influence of Scandinavian design in the United States. Marvin’s sculpture, Suomi Finland 1970 #4, was on display as it traveled to 4 venues: Nationalmuseum in Stockholm, Sweden, the Nasjonalmuseet in Oslo, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, and the Milwaukee Art Museum. Marvin had traveled to Finland to work as part of his 9 month sabbatical in 1970-71. The influence on him and where he traveled was tremendous and long lasting. Photo courtesy of Hope Welder.
More Information here.

Creative Glass Forum: Belgrade - Paracin, Serbia November 16, 2022. The Lipofsky Studio was proud to be a participant at the Creative Glass Forum, held in Belgrade and Paracin, Serbia, in celebration of the UN Year of Glass. Marvin has made several visits to Paracin during his career, including in 1980, to participate in the 3rd Glass Symposium at the Serbian Glass Factory. In a brief message, the studio remembered fondly Marvin’s experiences there.

“The generosity of the people running these factories and studios had a profound effect on Marvin and the developing arts community. It was Marvin’s hope that the factories and studios also benefitted from such endeavors. To work with material outside of what was typical at the time was challenging for any artist and the industry that wanted to support them. It meant the possibility of failures but also great advancements. This spirit to challenge is required in any new undertaking and, over time, glass experimentation has proven exceptionally successful. The great beauty and refinement of Marvin’s artwork are a testament to this and to the importance of cooperation between artists and industry. He greatly appreciated all the support that he received during his long life with glass.” We hope to further our connections to factories and studios as glass art continues to evolve. Photo courtesy Institute for Creative Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Serbia.